Tuesday, November 26, 2019
June 6 SAT Takers Heres How You Can Retest for Free
June 6 SAT Takers Here's How You Can Retest for Free SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The College Board is going to allow students who were affected by the mistake on the June 6, 2015 administration of the SAT to re-take the test for free in October. Read on for more information and to see what your options are. A Bit of Background: What Happened on June 6th? June 6 was the final SAT testing date for the 2014-2015 school year, and hundreds of thousand of students across the country registered to take the test. On test day, many were surprised to see that instead of the standard 20 minutes allowed for Section 8 or Section 9, their test booklets instructed they should be allowed 25 minutes. The proctors' instructions, however, still stated the time allowance should be 20 minutes. Therefore,some students got the correct amount of time on both sections, others were given 25% extra time, and still more were given something in between,which overall created a very confusing situation for everyone involved. Of the hundreds of thousands registered, almost all students were affected, apart from those taking the SAT with accommodations. (International test takers were not affected.) For a full breakdown of what happened, see our article here. The Aftermath and the Demand for a Retest After the test, students were very concerned about what would happen with their test results. They were worried that their scores would be invalidated,because the test was no longer standardized compared to other administrations of the SAT.Many worried that colleges would not accept their scores as equal to those from other testing dates. In the days following the exam, the College Boardgave a lot of conflicting information to different people.It told some thatthere would be a retest,but told others thatthe affected section of the exam would be thrown out. Two days later, they finally released an offical statement, in which they announced that they would proceed with scoring the exams,with the TWO affected sections removed.They claimed that they would be able to do this and still provide"reliable scores." Understandably, many students were angered by this response - it was obvious that this was decided on because it is theeasiest and cheapest way for the College Board to "fix" the situation, as opposed to the best way for students. It became clear that though the scores could be called "reliable," they would not necessarily be "accurate," especially for certain students. Students began to worry about how the test scores would affect admissions and qualifications for scholarships. Students began demanding anoptional retest for anyone who had been affected by the College Board's error.One student from Long Island has filed a lawsuit against the College Board, saying that scores of a test missing nearly 30% of its content cannot be considered valid. She has demanded unspecified monetary damanges and a re-test for anyone who wanted it. Another student started a change.org petition that quickly attracted over 1,000 supporters demanding another chance to take the test for free. The College Board Listened and Is Now Offering a Retest Late on June 15th, the College Board responded to unhappy students with an offer for a free retest - but maybe not in the way that they were expecting: â€Å"We remain confident in the reliability of scores from the June 6 administration of the SAT and don't want to cause undue anxiety for students by making them believe they need to sit for the test again. However, we have waived the fee for the October SAT administration for students who let us know that their testing experience was negatively affected by the printing error and we will continue to do so, through the September 3 registration deadline for the October administration.†You can see the full text here. Instead of offering students affected by the June 6th test their own makeup date, the College Board is giving free registration for the October test.This is going to mean that the retest will be too late for many students who need it, and it's only a useful offer for those students who were not relying on getting scores this summer. However, it's questionable how much the College Board really wants students to take advantage of the offer, even if they do have the time to get their scores later! For several days this past week, the informational banner with updated informationwas missing from the College Board web site, which meant that students who wanted more information about the retake would have beenunable to find it unless they had the link already.The College Board has now replaced the banner, but many were frustrated by what seemed to be a deliberate attempt to keep the information quiet. Additionally, on the June 6th FAQ page, the information for a retest is at the bottom, and is not emphasized. Many people would not know to look for the updated information. Fortunately for students (and unfortunately for the College Board), their mistake has received enough national attention that the retest is beingpublicized through various outlets, even though the College Board itself is trying to keep it quiet! I Called the College Board -Here Is How to Get the Retest Once again, there is a lot of misinformation going around abouthow to actually get registered for the retest.This is mostly because the College Board employees seem to know very little about it themselves. I called the College Board to nail down the information so that you don't have to. The first attempt... The first time I called them, the customer service rep I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about when I asked the process to be signed up for the retest. She insisted several times that there was not going to be a retest for students - this went on for about ten minutes. Finally, I verbally directed her to the appropriate section on their own web site and read it aloud to her. I was then put on hold for several minutes. Another rep picked up. I asked her what the proper procedure was to register for the retest. She told me (in quite an annoyed fashion) that Idid not need to take the retest. She said that theCollege Board was only dropping ONE section of the test, and that the scores would not be affected because they always drop one section as an "experimental section." As you know if you are at all familiar the SAT, there IS always an experimental section, but it is always one of the middle sections of the test - a 25 minute section. I said this to the rep and asked how it would be possible to swap in the experimental section for one of the final sections. Not only are they different lengths, but the whole point of the experimental section is to test out future questions and some of them may not be appropriate. She told me that the experimental section is always randomly selected out of all the sections, which is not true. I also asked how the other section would be accounted for, and was told thatthey are only going to drop one section. Both of these statements are in direct contrast to what has been said to other people who have called, and what has been said by the College Boarditself on its web site. This goes to show how unreliable the information is that they are giving out. If you call and ask for specific information, and it does not seem right to you, make sure to ask to speak to another person. Though we were 20 minutes in and I knew at this point that the conversation was going nowhere, I persevered and asked what I could do to sign up for the retest. I was told that I could wait to see my grades at the end of this month, and if I'm still unhappy to call back by the end of the month to register. The College Board has since updated its statement to specify that they will be accepting registrations through September 3rd for the October 4th test. Nevertheless, if you do want to take this retest, I recommend signing up sooner rather than later - see below for why. The second attempt... I called back a couple days later and had a totally different experience. As soon as I said that I wanted to register for the free re-take, the customer service rep agreed quickly and opened my account. I went though the security questions, she asked for my preferred test center, and waived the fee. In less than 4 minutes, I was signed up for the retest for free. The Takeaway In conclusion, here is how to sign up: The free retest hasnotautomatically been applied to your account. If you register for the test and pay, it will probably be more difficult to get your money back, so just call and register over the phone.Usually there is a fee for registering over the phone, but they are not charging this for June 6th testers. Call the College Board Customer Service line at 1-866-756-7346. Give yourself time to make this phone call. As you can see from my experiences above, how your conversation will go completely depends on which customer service rep you talk to. If the rep tries to give you a hard time about registering, ask to speak to another rep or a supervisor.Stay calm and say that you were affected by the College Board's mistake on the June 6th test, and you would like to take them up on the offer that is posted on the web site. If they still give you trouble, stay polite but firm: "This is not what the College Board is publicly offering. I was promised a free retest and I am calling to register for this. If the process remains difficult, I will contact press members to let them know that the College Board is not honoring its promise." You do not have to take the test at the same center where you took the June 6th SAT.This is great news for people like me who signed up for the June SAT late and had to travel quite far to take it. Usually when the College Board offers a retest it does have to be at the same center, so this is a big bonus. You will have to do all the things you normally do at registration time - including confirming your name, birth date, and high school. If you don't have any trouble with the rep, the whole process should take about 5 minutes. Afterwards, you will receive aconfirmation email and will be able to sign into your account to print out your admissions ticket. Can I See My Scores First? Yes, you can!The scores from the test you took on June 6th will be available around June 25th. You are welcome to look at your scores and decide if you want to take the test again. The College Board has done this intentionally, because they are hoping that many people will be satisfied with their scores and will decide to not take the test again.Remember, for each person who does decide to do the retest, they are losing out on potential registration money. Even if you sign up for the retest now, your scores will still be delivered on time. Remember, however, that these scoreswill not include sections 8 and 9, and youwill not have the option to see what your score would have been with those sections.So it will be difficult todetermine if you have beenpositively or negatively affected by the shorter test. Since they have now officially said that free registration will be available through September 3, you can feel comfortable waiting to sign up if you want to. But it might be a better idea to not wait.Since the College Board is not offering a separate test date for the retest,there will be many more people than usual signing up for the October test.Therefore, there is a very good chance that testing centers will fill up quite quickly. If you register now, you can always cancel later if you want to, and you do not have to risk potential disappointment at not getting a seat. Should I Take the Retest? For most students, signing up for the retest is a good idea if it's at all possible for your schedule. If you get your scores back and think that you were negatively affected, this is the best way to fix it - for free. And if it turns out that you did better than you were expecting to do, you can always cancel your registration. You will not lose out on any money from the registration costs because it's free. If this was your last chance to take the SAT for one deadline or another, then the retest will not really affect you. Though some schools are taking the "wait and see" approach for this test, it is very likely that most willhonor the results, especially for seniors or those who took the June 6th test on a tight deadline. If you feel that you have been significantly disadvantaged by the College Board's error, and cannot take the retest, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on the lawsuit mentioned above to see how it progresses. If they win, you may be entitled to some compensation. Last Words... If you do decide to retake the test, you should use the experience you have had with this test to help guide your studying. Set aside time this summer for dedicated prep so that you can smash it this fall. What’s Next? Worried that taking the SAT again this fall will be one time too many? Read our guide on how many times you should take the SAT. To prep for the re-test this fall, read our 11 top, must-read guides to prepare yourself for the next test. Learn our expert strategies to improve your SAT Math, SAT Writing, and SAT Reading scores to help push your scores above 600s in any section. Wanta top score on the re-take? Read our guide to getting a perfect SAT score. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Register for the SSAT 5 Simple Steps
How to Register for the SSAT 5 Simple Steps SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SSAT can be an important test for students hoping to attend a private school, but how do you register for it?In this guide, we walk you step-by-step through the SSAT registration process and include screenshots from the SSAT website to makes things as simple as possible. At the end of the guide, we also include a chart with upcoming SSAT registration dates so you know exactly when you need to register for each exam date to avoid late fees. What to Know About the SSAT Before Registering If you’re planning on applying to a private school, you’ll likely need to take the SSAT and submit your scores as part of your application. There are three levels of the SSAT depending on the grade you’re in. (Students take the test based on their current grade, not the grade they’ll be entering next year, so make sure you register for the correct test.) Elementary for students in grades 3 and 4 Middle for students in grades 5 through 7 Upper for students in grades 8 through For more information on the SSAT, including an in-depth look at what topics it tests, check out our guide to the SSAT. The SSAT sign up process is pretty simple, but before you start, you should gather all the information and materials you’ll need for registration. This will make the registration process much easier and faster to complete. Here’s what you need for SSAT Registration: Your address and contact info The names of up to three schools where you’d like the results to be sent (you can also add these schools after the exam) A credit card for payment 5 Steps to Register for the SSAT Follow these five steps to register for the SSAT and get your choice of exam date and location. #1: Create an Account Before you can begin the registration process, you’ll need to visit the SSAT website and create an account. You’ll create both an account for the student taking the SSAT and a parent/guardian account so you can manage the student account. To create the accounts, you’ll need to enter some basic information such as your address and contact info and your child’s age and grade. Each student who’ll be taking the SSAT needs their own account, so if you have several children who’ll be taking the test, you’ll need to create separate accounts for each of them. You’ll only need one parent account. #2: Begin the Registration Process After you’ve created your account, click â€Å"Manage My SSAT†then â€Å"Register for SSAT.†You’ll see a page (below) outlining the steps you’ll need to take for SSAT test registration. #3: Choose a Test Location and Date After selecting whether the student needs additional accommodations or a Sunday exam due to religious reasons, you’ll select the grade of the student taking the exam. You’ll then see a page with the location and dates of upcoming SSAT exams, with the closest test center at the top of the list. Select the test that works best for you. #4: Add Score Recipients (Optional) You’ll next have the option of choosing the school(s) you want the SSAT scores to be sent to. You can send SSAT scores to up to three schools for no additional charge. If you’re not sure yet where you’d like the SSAT scores to be sent, you can also complete this step anytime before or after the exam date.SSAT score reports are sent about two weeks after the test date. #5: Select Add-Ons and Complete Payment The next step is choosing if you want to purchase any additional add-ons such as rush reporting or practice materials.The final step of SSAT test registration is payment. You’ll need a credit card to pay for the SSAT test fee (plus fees for any add-ons you chose). Below is a chart showing SSAT fees. Domestic tests refer to those administered in the US, Canada, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Saipan, or the US Virgin Islands. International exams are those administered in any countries other than those just listed. All fees are in USD. SSAT Exam Type Fee Elementary Level (Domestic) $80 Elementary Level (International) $157 Middle or Upper Level (Domestic) $132 Middle or Upper Level (International) $257 After you’ve paid, you’ll receive a confirmation email, and the SSAT registration process is complete! SSAT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines Below is a chart of recent and upcoming SSAT registration dates and deadlines.You should register for the SSAT at least three weeks before the exam date to avoid late fees. It’s possible to register for the SSAT up to three days before the exam, but you’ll end up paying $45 to $85 in late fees, depending on how late you register for the test. SSAT Exam Date Regular Registration Deadline Late Registration Begins ($45 fee) Rush Registration Begins ($85 fee) Last Day for Registration Oct. 14, 2017 Sep. 23, 2017 Sep. 24, 2017 Oct. 1, 2017 Oct. , 2017 Nov. , 2017 Oct. 21, 2017 Oct. 22, 2017 Oct. 29, 2017 Nov. 8, 2017 Dec. 9, 2017 Nov. 18, 2017 Nov. 19, 2017 Nov. 26, 2017 Dec. 6, 2017 Jan. 6, 2018 Dec. 16, 2017 Dec. 17, 2017 Dec. 24, 2017 Jan. 3, 2018 Feb. 3, 2018 Jan. 13, 2018 Jan. 14, 2018 Jan. 21, 2018 Jan. 31, 2018 March 3, 2018 Feb. 10, 2018 Feb. , 2018 Feb. 18, 2018 Feb. 28, 2018 April 21, 2018 March 31, 2018 April 1, 2018 April 8, 2018 April 18, 2018 June 9, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 20, 2018 May 27, 2018 June 6, 2018 If your student needs additional testing accommodations or needs to take the SSAT on a Sunday due to religious reasons, you’ll need to apply for testing accommodations.You’ll need to apply for testing accommodations at least four weeks before the desired test date and have any requested materials submitted at least two weeks before the test date. Summary: SSAT Registration The SSAT is an exam many students hoping to attend private schools take. There are versions of the SSAT available for elementary, middle, and high school students.SSAT test registration is a pretty simple process, but knowing what to expect ahead of time will make it easier and faster to complete. There are five main steps to SSAT registration: #1: Create an account #2: Begin the registration process #3: Choose a test location and date #4: Add score recipients #5: Choose add-ons and pay There are several SSAT registration dates throughout the year, and you should aim to register for the SSAT at least three weeks before the test date to avoid late fees. However, if you’re willing to pay late fees, you can register up to three days before the exam. What's Next? Want help with your SSAT prep? Check out our SSAT study tips and complete collection of SSAT practice tests. Vocab is an important part of the SSAT, but it can be hard to find high-quality practice materials. Our guide to SSAT vocabulary has done the hard work for you and compiled every top SSAT vocab resource in one place. Want to learn more about what's covered on the elementary, middle, and upper-level tests? Then be sure to read our complete guide to the SSAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What The Course Offers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What The Course Offers - Essay Example A student is first enrolled in kindergarten, the primary, secondary and finally university. In all the stages of education, a student is taught different things from various subjects. The course shows the importance of these learning activities to the growth of the whole person. As the child’s brain develops, the involvedness of learning activities also increases. It is necessary for students to undergo the various stages of learning for them to identify the truth. The university education is crucial for students as it helps them know the truth by conducting research. The course helps students to recognize the importance of research as far as the truth is concerned; it contributes to unraveling the secret behind some issues. The course sensitizes the importance of continuous learning as it helps students know the things they could not have learned. In conclusion, the course opens the mind of learners concerning the significance of learning. Learning is a continuous process, and it assists students in mental, psychological and physical development. The course offers much information regarding how to learn.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Write up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Write up - Essay Example fasalt and marble schiet which according to Erickson were formed through heat and pressure that made them to melt miles below the sea level (Erickson 59). The rain energy played a leading role in transporting these grains. The age of this fountain formation is 300 million years and its height is approximately 10000 feet high. At the Morrinson, there were the lyons and lykins formations that were formed about 251 million years ago. With respect to color the formations comprise of green, gray and maroon clay stone as well as mudstone. This formation was necessitated by movement and deposition of grains. There is also the presence of fossil deposits including dinosaur bones. This is exemplified by their wavy layers of muddy limestone that is indicative of stromatolites. The movement of the grains is attributed to rain energy that is also responsible for the weathering process. Their size according to Erickson is 400 feet thick (Erickson 59). With respect to the period of formation, it is a bit difficult to tell because this is largely depended on the kind of sediment carried in suspension as well as how well this is deposited. A walk through the Dakota formation offered useful insights regarding sandstone formation. In this, there was a continuity of various sandstone beds located at distinct spots along the road. Also, there were different sedimentary structures. These variations in the layers imply that the process of formation is continuous and not static. Notably, each layer was formed during a specific period with the bottommost layer having been formed earlier than the topmost layer. This shows that the process of deposition is continuous and being experienced even today. This is because the rain energy that necessitated previous depositions is still being experienced in the region. This structure also offers useful information about the deposition rate experienced in distinctive years. Notably, the layers differ considerably in size. This shows that the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How To Fix A Social Security Number Essay Example for Free
How To Fix A Social Security Number Essay The fastest growing crimes in America are Identity theft. Identity thieves are dishonest people that’s steals ones information or identity through ones Social Security number. Most of the time identity thieves use your number and your credit to apply for more credit in your name. Then, they use the credit cards and do not pay the bills. It’s a cankerworm that is eating deep into the American economy. This essay however looks at ways by which a social security number can be fixed. Social security number as a form of identity is a confidential and private number given to every citizen of United States. However, thieves get social security numbers through stealing wallets, purses, personal information provided to an unsecured site on the Internet, among others. When a social security number is stolen, there are some specific steps to take in order to get it fixed. In the first instance, a call would be made to the creditors who approved the credit (follow up with a letter). Also, a report would be filed with the police. After that, a contact would be made with the fraud department of the major credit bureaus in the country in order to make some rectifications. Finally, if all have been done to fix the problems resulting from misuse of the social security number but nevertheless someone is still using the number, then a new number may be assigned by the Federal Trade Commission subject to some stringent conditions and restrictions. REFERENCES 1. Advisory Council on Social Security. 1997. Report of the 1994- 1996 Advisory Council on Social Security (Washington: Government Printing Office). 2. Boice Dunham Group, Inc. 1993. The Nature and Scale of Economically-Targeted Investments by the 104 Largest U. S. Public Pension Plans, Prepared for Goldman Sachs. 3. Diamond, Peter A. 1997. Macroeconomic Aspects of Social Security Reform, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Doubt Of Shakespeares Authorship Of His Plays Essay -- essays research
Doubt of Shakespeare's Authorship of His Plays Over the years, various persons have expressed doubt as to the authorship of William Shakespeare. These doubts are as old as his plays. American author, Henry James once said, "I am haunted by the conviction that the divine William is the biggest and the most successful fraud ever practiced on a patient world. (Hoffman 27) On the other hand, author Calvin Hoffman was convinced that Shakespeare was "the author of the most magnificent English dramatic prose and poetry ever written. (Hoffman 27) But, he reiterated this belief nineteen years later, stating, "They are magnificent! Only, William Shakespeare of Stratford-on- Avon never wrote the plays and poems." (Hoffman 27) Crime, guilt, fraud, exile, hate, deceit, and murder are all woven into this shroud of authorship that hides the identity of the world's most renowned writer. Cranks have proposed over fifty candidates for authorship, from Queen Elizabeth to the Jesiuts. Although many doubt that William Shakespeare ever wrote the works attributed to him, some still resort to pro-Shakespearean arguments. John Drinkwater, author and believer, felt that the flowers, banks, brooks, pastures, and woodlands of Shakespeare's boyhood home, Stratford, were all transfigured in his plays by his wonderful verse, but yet they still remained the scenes to which he was bred. Drinkwater believed too, that not only in Shakespeare's humble folk, shepherds, gardeners, and serving men, but also in his princes and kings, he reflected the humanity with which he was familiar in Stratford. The knowledge and wisdom he acquired directly from his own enviroment was quite true to life. Drinkwater also said that mere book- knowledge in Shakespeare's works was usually incorrect because he used knowledge outside the range of his own experiences, with a "grand audacity." It is true that William Shakespeare attended grammar school in Stratford, and tha he acquired some competence in Latin and gained a limited knowledge of English history. There was a period of time in his life referred to as his "dark years," and this period of time may have been subjected to influences making for high culture. Records say too, that Shakespeare left Stratford in 1585 and went on the stage in 1590. During this time he could have attended Cambridge or worked in a lawyer's ... ...Shakespeare's did. Bacon and Shakespeare viewed the world differently. Finally, some disbelievers support another candidate, William Stanley, the 6th Earl of Derby, who was interested in drama, and became a patron of a company of actors. Several poems showed signs of early and immature Shakespeare, but he was a boy at that time. One was signed in Derby's handwriting, and three signed "William Shakespeare." His motive- like de Vere'swould have been to avoid association of his family name with the lower social order of the stage. Was Shakespeare hinting at his name through word play? His verses, such as "... every word doth almost tell my name..." seem to be an attempt to reveal his name. Another line says, "Whats in a name?" Sonnet III says, "Hence comes it that my name receives a brand," and " my name be buried where my body is...." In conclusion, curiosity has indeed been aroused for many , many years. Hundreds of theories and shreds of proof have been gathered, but the world will always wonder and waver between doubt and belief in William Shakespeare. So, the question still remains, "Was Shakespeare really Shakespeare?"
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Learning Theorists
Learning Theories People have been trying to understand the learning process for over 2000 years. It was discussed and debated at great length by the Greek philosophers such as Socrates (469 – 399 SC), Plato (427 – 347 BC) and Unsettle (384 – 322 BC) (Hammond et al, 2001 This debate has carried on through the ages and still goes on today with a multitude of viewpoints on the purpose of education and how best to encourage learning to eventuate.Plato and his disciple Aristotle were Inaugural In this debate and asked if truth and knowledge were to be found inside of us, or whether they could be learned from outside by using our senses. Plato believed the truth would be found from within through reasoning, deduction and self-reflection and so brought about rationalism. On the other hand Aristotle believed the truth would be found through experience and founded the idea of empiricism and so these antithetical views were born.Aristotle approach was far more scientific compared to Socrates' dialectic method of discovery through conversations with fellow citizens. An approach that calls for discussion and reflection, as tools for developing thinking, owe such to Socrates and Plato (Hammond et al, 2001 Learning theory Is about learning as a process and how it may take place. It is about how information can be absorbed, processed and retained and the influence that emotions, environment and mental processes can have on acquiring, augmenting and modifying knowledge and skills.Having knowledge of learning theory equips teachers to better understand the multitudinous categories of learners they will encounter and the numerous strategies they can employ to create an effective learning environment. Although the Greek philosophers are considered to be some of the earliest thinkers on learning, it as not until the mid 1 ass's when psychology emerged as a separate discipline that any new learning theories emerged.The first of these was behaviorism, which was brought to prominence by Ivan Pavlov (1849 – 1936) who won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for his experiments on digestive glands for which he experimented with dogs. Behaviorism are of the opinion that learners are passive and respond to stimuli and do not take in to account internal mental states or consciousness. Gestalts came to prominence In Germany in 1910 when there was social turmoil in Europe but had moved to the US by the sass's to avoid persecution.The lead figures In this movement were Worthwhile, Kafka and Koehler who utilities a holistic approach that sought to reject the mechanistic perspectives of the behaviorist's. Considered to be the first educational psychologist, Edward Thornier continued with the behaviorism theory believing learning was incremental and achieved through a trial and error approach with B. F. Skinner, considered by many to be the father of modern behaviorism, developing this theory further with programmed learning (Seaworthy et al, 2004).Behavio rism learning theory had a substantial influence in education but here was a growing body of evidence that more complex tasks requiring a higher level of thinking were not well learned this way with Jean Pigged (1 896 ? 1 980) being the first to state that learning was a developmental cognitive process. Russian teacher Level Boycotts expanded Piglet's developmental theory of cognitive abilities to were both leaders in the cognitive approach that sees the mind as a â€Å"black box†and this box should be opened and understood.This paradigm did not really come to prominence until the early sass's when it replaced behaviorism as the dominant force (Anon ND). In the sass's we also saw the emergence of Humanist learning theory. Some of the preeminent advocates of this field were Abraham Moscow (1908 – 1970) and Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987) who believed that learning was viewed as a personal act to fulfill one's potential and that it is also necessary to study the person as a whole. Humanists were the first to promote learning as being student-centered and personalized and that you should not teach, but facilitate, the learner (Anon ND).The sass's saw the emergence of social learning theory with its key progenitor being Albert Bandeau (1925 – Present). It posits that we learn through observation, imitation and modeling and this theory is often seen as the bridge between behaviorism and cosmogonist. Although the work that edifies it spans the twentieth century, Constructivism was only mainstreamed through practice in the latter part of the century. Many of the theorists that are drawn upon are linked with other learning ideologies; these theorists include Weights, Lave and Winger, Burner and Pigged.This theory posits that learning is an active constructive process where the learner creates his or her own subjective representations of objective reality. They do not come along as a blank slate (Seaworthy, 2004) but rather bring along their past experiences and cultural perspective. The first theorist I am going to look at is Abraham Moscow who was a prominent Humanist. Early in his career he worked with rhesus monkeys and one of the interesting things he noticed was the way that some needs took precedence over others.For example, if you were hungry and thirsty you would tend to deal with the thirst first, as you can go without food for weeks but thirst will kill you after Just days. Moscow felt that the conditioning theories did not, to is satisfaction, capture the complexities of human behavior and was of the opinion that human actions were driven toward goal attainment. He stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth (Anon ND). In 1943 Moscow wrote a paper entitled â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation†which talked about self-actualization.Moscow described a person who was fulfilled and doing all they were capable of as being self-actualities. Before a perso n can achieve this state however, there are other needs that first need to be met. These needs can be seen in Mascots hierarchy, this is often depicted as a pyramid as shown (Moscow,1943). This hierarchy shows that the basic physiological needs have to be met before the higher needs can be addressed. If the physiological needs are relatively well gratified then there emerges a new set of needs, in this case safety.When a persons physiological and safety needs are satisfied the need for love and belongingness emerges. This process continues until all the needs are fulfilled and the person can achieve self-actualization. It is important to note that Mascots original five stage del has been adapted by other researchers to create both seven and eight stage hierarchies but I am dealing with Moscow so will not go any further in to them. His needs – air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep etc. Safety needs – protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stabil ity, etc. : belongingness and love needs – work group, family, affection, relationships, etc. : esteem needs – self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. : self-actualization needs – realizing personal potential, self- fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. Through knowledge of Mascots hierarchy I can better understand the needs of the individual and the impact this has on their motivation and learning.To be truly effective in its implementation I would have to appreciate the needs of every learner, which could be at different stages for each individual in the class. These individuals could also be in a state of flux from one week to another. It is unrealistic to expect to comprehend all their requirements, even with a deep understanding of this theory. I believe the best use of this theory is to inform me of their possible state so that I might be more homeopathic towards the m and understand the issues they may have. The best way to help them work towards self-actualization is for them to be self-aware and understand their own needs.When they arrive at class they will already have had a long day at work, often without enough time to eat. They will also be tired; although my class is at least theory, so is less physically demanding than their practical lessons in the workshop. I do try to take some of these things in to account and will allow them to bring food and drink in to the class if they so desire. I am able to meet heir safety needs such as protection from the elements, security, order, limits and stability. These needs are part of the College safeguarding policy so should always be in place.If I can manage to help them feel belongingness, which I feel they do achieve, then I am also creating a more inclusive environment for them. I feel it is important to be aware of these needs to create a better learning situation for my students. A criticism I have is that Moscow made an assumption that the needs must be satisfied in order, so that the basic physiological need must be satisfied before hey can achieve safety and only once safety is achieved can they go to concern themselves with belongingness and so on through the hierarchy.This is shown to be false, for example, if you were to study large cultures where large numbers of the population live in poverty, like India or Brazil then you see that these people can still achieve higher order needs such as love and belongingness (McLeod, 2007). According to Moscow this should not occur. If we were also to look at many creative people, such as artists like Rembrandt or Van Gogh, it could be argued that they achieved self-actualization yet lived their lives in poverty (McLeod, 2007). I will still apply this theory even with its flaws because it is not abjectly wrong and still believe it holds a lot of truth.Another humanist that I feel bears great relevance to my current teaching p ost is Malcolm Knowles (1913 – 1997). He was a champion for androgyny, self-direction in learning and informal adult education (Smith, 2002). I will not talk about informal adult education, as it does not apply to my situation. The concept of androgyny had been in sporadic use since the sass's but it was popularized for usage in English language by Malcolm Knowles. He believed that adults learned differently from children, which caused him to enquire further. His work on informal adult education and his charting of adult education in the United education.He used androgyny to bring these elements together, which was premised on at least four critical presuppositions about the characteristics of adult learners that differed from child learners, on which traditional pedagogy is based. Later a fifth assumption was added. These were as follows: self concept: As a person matures his self concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self directed hum an being. Experience: As a person matures they accumulate a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning. Readiness to learn: As a person matures their readiness to learn becomes increasingly orientated to the developmental tasks of their social roles. : orientation to learning: As a person matures their time perspective changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application, and accordingly their orientation toward learning shifts from of subject centeredness to one of problem centeredness. : motivation to learn: As a person matures the motivation to learn is internal (Knowles 1984:12).Knowles has caused considerable debate with his assertions and claims of difference between androgyny and pedagogy with useful critiques of the notion being found in Davenport (1993), Jarvis (1987) and Tenant (1996). He has taken ideas from psychologists working in two quite different and opposing traditions, that of the humanist and the behaviorism. From the one side he has extensively used a model of relationship derived from humanistic clinical psychology, in particular drawing on the work of Carl Rogers who argued the qualities of good facilitation.He has also drawn on other elements that owe a great deal to scientific curriculum making and behavior modification. It has been suggested that because he has used ideas from two opposing traditions that there is a lack of evidence around this model. Knowles is not clear whether he has provided us with a theory or a set of guidelines for practice (Heartier, 1984). The assumptions could be read as descriptions or as prescriptive statements about what the adult learner should be. Tenant (1988) made a point that there was a lack of interrogation within a coherent and consistent conceptual framework.It seems that Knowles did not temper his insights with enough analysis and interrogation of the literature of the arena. Malcolm Knowles also introduced us to self-directed l earning, which is where the individual takes the initiative to realize their needs, resources and goals for learning and to evaluate the outcomes. There are three immediate reasons identified for self-directed learning. First those who take the initiative in learning are pro-active learners and will learn better than those who wait to be taught, reactive learners.Second is that it is far more natural that as we mature we take more responsibility for our own lives and become far more self-directed. Finally the third reason is that developments in education are putting a greater emphasis on students to take the initiative for their own learning. This can also be seen as a long-term reason as the purpose of education is evolving, it is moving away from merely transmitting what is known to now developing the skills of enquiry. Knowles then put the idea of self- direction in to packaged forms of activity and created his five step model. This involved: diagnosing learning needs. Formulati ng learning needs. : identifying human material resources for learning. Choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies. : evaluating learning outcomes. There is research that indicates that adults circumstance (Smith, 2002) and I feel that this is certainly true of many of my learners. The opportunity arose within their current life circumstances to participate in the course and if there were places available they took them. If all the places had gone they may not bother to take up a learning opportunity again, unless of course the circumstances were again in their favor.I feel that the ideas' of Malcolm Knowles are useful to guide what I ought to term my ontological approach to my earners. They are no longer children and should not be treated as such. His approach can inform me of what characteristics my learners may exhibit so that I may better facilitate their learning and create a more inclusive environment. It could certainly be said that my students need to be self- directed as the qualification they are taking is equivalent to a full time course but only has part time contact hours.It requires them to do a lot a reading around the subject, being self-directed in their approach. Overall I must be critical of Knowles for his own lack of a sharp critical edge with much of his writings being more descriptive and his lack of analysis of the literature within his field. Finally, I shall examine Jean Lave and Tontine Winger (1991) who developed the theory of situated learning, sometimes referred to as situated activity. This has a central defining characteristic known as legitimate peripheral participation which is not itself an educational form, much less a pedagogical strategy or a teaching technique.It is an analytical viewpoint on learning that makes a fundamental distinction between learning and intentional instruction. Rather the process of legitimate peripheral participation is usually unintentional. Situated learning contrasts with traditiona l classroom learning activities where abstract knowledge is learnt out of context with intentional instruction. This approach lends itself very well to vocational courses and especially apprenticeships where much of the learning takes place in the situation where the learning will be applied. It is not dissimilar to cognitive apprenticeship.Lave and Winger (1991) with their model of situated learning proposed that learning involved a process known as â€Å"communities of practice†. These communities are everywhere and we are often involved in a number of them. People with a shared domain of human endeavourer can engage in a process of learning by forming communities of practice. To put it more simplistically, learning takes place through social interaction. To this end, learning in these situations does not have a beginning and an end to the process, rather we are constantly learning through experience of everyday life.Their theory can be illustrated by observation of differe nt apprenticeships. When people initially Join the community they learn at the periphery, then as they become more competent they an become more involved in the processes in that particular community. Understanding this theory is very useful in my sector as when we get the students it is their initial training and they are not always involved in the industry they are training to enter. The situated learning will probably not play a big part in this initial training, but once they have gained the qualification and go out to work then they will be Joining their community of practice.Over time, through interaction with more experienced others within the industry, they will learn and become more proficient ND play a bigger role in their community. In this respect it could be argued that this is an important theory for all educators as ultimately we are educating our learners strong links between this and embedded learning that also takes place on vocational qualifications. I would strug gle to see how this theory could be applied to more formal qualifications where much of the knowledge will often remain abstract because that is its nature.Mathematics would be an example of this; it can be conceptualizes, as engineering math's for example, but is not really a subject matter o be situated. In conclusion learning theories can inform us on our learners and guide us through our teaching practice. They can be used to develop activities to bring otherwise dull subject matter to life and to create a more inclusive learning environment by applying different teaching methods based on these theories. The trouble is that the modern teacher is struggling for time, most of the time and these theories and their practice will involve some dedication for them to be implemented effectively.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Case Study: Organization Behaviour Essay
1.0What do you think caused Deborah react in such manner towards Melinda? Do you think these reactions are justified? Organizational change is the alteration of the way in which people are organized (Dessler Gary, 2002). This can be something as simple as an organization restructuring itself in relative to resources, for example human resources as the case may be. However the housing industry association in Brisbane brought about an organizational change relative to the human resources in the company by promoting the 2-year-old working staff in the company to be the Executive support manager. By and large, change in an organizational setting is somewhat hard basically on the part of employees in the organization as it seems hard to alter habits, attitudes, and ethics at work in response to organizational objectives. Change in the context of an organization is defined as persuasive influence, where all aspects are subjects to continual change of one form or another. (Mullins, 2005, p. 909). Melinda’s promotion in the organization created a problem for Deborah who because of the attitudes towards jobs failed to be promoted. This has actually caused her to react in many bad ways such as bad-mouthing attitude against Melinda to other staff in the organization and making some derogatory remarks about her to other staff in the company through the use of strong critics that she is an egotistical slave-driver with no respect for the people who are being supervised. Personally, it can be inferred that Deborah was caught in a change resistance. Organization change resistance threatens structures of power with members resisting and questioning the object being changed. (Smith, C. A. 2003). In this case study it can be established that change resistance crept in the organization through two ways. Firstly, she feels that way because she thinks it’s unfair to have promoted Melinda having just worked few years, precisely two years in the company. She feels like she has spent fifteen years in the company and has accrued experience and skills that matches any promotion. Secondly, Deborah resisted the change in the structure within the facet of the organization because of her own selfish acts, specifically freedom to do whatever she likes in the company. She very much understands that the new office that is created for Melinda will closely monitor all the staff and that means that she will not at liberty to do those things again. From the case study, it is learnt that Deborah misuses her office in allocating more than one hour, to be precise two hours for the break while at work and she closes always at work one hour before the normal closing hour with the reason that she would be picking up the kids for home. All these are personal reasons for Deborah and are those that are behind her resistance to the new structures of the organization which elevates Melinda. Moreover, she feels more threatened that the laziness in her at work will be corrected by a two-year old working staff in the company, a phenomenon which she really frowns at. It can be argued that none of Deborah’s reactions are justified in any forms. From the case study, it can be assumed that Melinda’s appraisal at work is interesting and encouraging to have been recommended for such position at such early year of service in the organization. It is also an assumption that the whole staff is in the know of Deborah’s bad attitude at work and for that, there is a need to make her redress. If she is performing very great, or excellently well, then she wouldn’t have felt threatened at work. It is also understood that if Deborah is recommended for the task, she will not be able to perform well in line with the duties and responsibilities which she herself is a failure. Therefore, for an organization like HIA to run well, there is a need for a positive and good attitude staff to run the affairs. 2.0What could Melinda have done to better resolve this issue with Deborah? Melinda sensed that Deborah has been acting so bad at work and realized the importance of resolving the issues with her. She established a meeting with her informally at a coffee shop where she made her understand the roles and responsibilities unto which her office is tied to and her commitment to carry them out religiously. This is considered as a communication in resolving issues and it’s very great in resolution. However while doing this; she could have compromised a little bit perhaps by giving her choices just to settle the dispute between them. Some of the choices could be rotating her job responsibilities and trying to be flexible on her work periods. It is understood that she uses more official time for herself and family and she can work these time out on some other days, preferably weekends in order to compensate for the lost official time. Melinda could have compromised her stand on insisting that Deborah should not do things in her ways in a bid to better resolve the issues. Although this seems de-motivational for other staff that have the understanding that Deborah has been indolen t in the organization. But on the note of resolution, Melinda could have granted the deal that Deborah worked and peace would have reigned in the organization. Since it is in the best interest of the organization to settle the scores, then Melinda should have negotiated and worked out some leverages on her at least to make the work go on. Negotiation theory and practice have a great strength in easing organizational problem as it offers a two-way street. (Dessler, Gary. 2002). It is my opinion also that this issues could have been reported to the management who understand all the affairs of the organization. Usually, this case is best handled by the management who will find out the sources and the causes of the problem so at to be able to better resolve the issues between them. Managers’ involvement in dispute resolution within the framework of an organization enhances resolution through proper communication and negotiation skills. (Greenberg J &Baron A.R 2003). Organizations have ways and procedures of resolving conflicts within organizational members in quest for smooth work relationship. The ways adopted by every organization could be different depending on the issues. Conflict resolution can be employed through the use of the combination of strict and stringent measures among conflicting members in an organization. (Robbins, S.P 2000). Such theory and concept can be applied to the case between Melinda and Deborah. Also, Melinda should have gone for negotiation in order to better resolve this issue between them. She should have adopted good negotiating skills and offered many choices of things to take from perhaps it may go well with her. This is because effective negotiation brings about happiness at work in employees and employer relationship. (Dent Edward, 2003). Furthermore, Deborah understands she is a long-time serving staff and deserves respect most especially from junior staff like Melinda. Following this, to better resolve the issues, Melinda could have condescended herself while discussing the issues with Deborah. That could have made Deborah changes her mind against insisting on her ways. 3.0Is organizational change more stressful for team members or for team leaders? Identify the possible stressors for organizational members experiencing change in the workplace as depicted in the case study. In every organization, the role of team leaders are not changed and are elaborate in assisting the team members in identifying key work tasks, supporting as they perform these tasks while team members are just members of the team who are executing all the tasks relative to the common goals of the team.( Bass, B.M, et.al). Because team leaders just lead the team in assisting the team members to realize the goals, it is very easy for them to see, feel the organizational change and therefore less stressful for them. Team leaders are seen to be directing and supervising the tasks no t really executing them. (Lax, D.A. and Sebenius, J.K.,(2006). For this fact, organizational changes are easily understood by them. Because team leaders are usually one person, it is less stressful for them to adapt to any corms of organizational changes that comes their way. (Hersey, P.2006) Who are the doers of the team tasks? Who are responsible for the team tasks? It is the responsibility of the individual team members within a team. Because of the numbers which ranges from three to ten depending on the size of the project or task, it is very much difficult to bear these stresses. If taken for example, one of the team members react negatively to the team task relative to the organizational change, then the outcome of the team performance will be failure. Because team members are made up of individuals, then it is very much difficult for them to adapt to any organizational change that comes their ways as compared to the leader who is only one entity that will just act accordingly to the organizational change. In a nutshell, team members because of their numbers and their respective tasks in the team feel more stressful to bear the organizational change in the organization. (Howard, L.W. 1998). One of the possible stressors for organizational members who are experiencing change in the workplace as highlighted in the case study is overloaded workload on the path of the members of the organization. All organizational members are constantly encouraged to stay back in the organization to work some hours after the completion of the official hours. This is in line with the organizational structure of that the HIA has just adopted. This has created a lot of stress and thus has enabled them to be passing some assaults unto each other. Members of the organization after being tired at work can be seen assaulting other members in the organization. Another stressor that cannot be overlooked is the lack of social support from others at workplace and the work home interface which can also be regarded as work/non-work conflict which is concerned with management of the relationship between the individual roles and responsibilities both on the job and off the job. (Howard, L.W. 1998). An example of this is shown by Deborah who is seen to be insulting Melinda for making her to stay after working hours. Another stressor that can still be noticed is bad relationships among coworkers. The organizational structural change in HIA organization has caused organizational members to experience poor interpersonal relationship with each other. An illustration of this is seen from the attitude of Deborah in the organization towards other members of the organization. Deborah is seen to be very moody and always keeping to herself at work and most times expressing reluctance to interact with members who fails to share her own point of view. 4.0How might the situation be influenced by organizational or national level culture? Organizational culture is one of the principal factors in assessing the success of an organization in managing the work stress. This is reflected in the attitudes of the organizational member, their shared beliefs about the organization, their shared value systems and common and accepted ways of behaving while at work. (Deutsch, M., 2008).It can be established that organizational culture has strength in recognizing organizational problems and how they can be solved. It has influence and can affect what is experienced as stressful, how the experience translates into health difficulties, how both stress and health are reported in the organization and how the organization shows their response into such reports being made. (Clifford, James 2000). In view of this all organizational members with inclusions to the managers must therefore be conscious of the organizational culture and make exploration in relation to the work stress management. Because there is a great influence coming in the path of organizational culture on the overloaded work situation of the members of the organization, it is very much necessary and important that all hands must be on deck in engaging in culture change activities as it is an essential part of improving the management of stress at work. (Alvesson, M. 2000) The situation can influence the organizational systems and procedures. The simplest definition of culture is â€Å"that’s the way we do things around here.†Organizational routines and processes can become so inserted that they are considered as part of the culture, and changing the culture demands that the routines be changed too. (DiBella, A. J. 2006). An organization that has the culture of having meetings weekly and monthly can therefore become more formalized and cumbersome based on the organizational change. Therefore, changing the culture to improve communication in the organization can possibly be the made realistic by changing the procedures of the meeting or eliminating the meetings completely. The situation might be influenced by organizational or national-level culture through improving the working conditions of the organizational members in the organization. (Dent, J. F. 2001). Improving the work conditions through organizational culture will undoubtedly reduce any forms of stress at work and it has involvement of identifying any stressful parts of work. (Iivari, N. 2002). For example as it has been highlighted in the case study: extreme workload, and warring members in the organization. This strategy will definitely reduce or eliminate the identified stressors in the organization. The advantage of this influence by organizational culture combats the sources of the stress at work. Sometimes, the managers disagree with this technique because of its involvement in altering the routines of work or schedules of productions, or changes in the organizational structure. Any tasks to reduce all the mentioned stressors in the organization should be given top most priority to organizational change in improving the organizational working conditions. (Kappos, A. – Croteau, A. 2002). 5.0References Bass, B.M. and Avolio, B.J. (2000). Transformational leadership and the organizational culture. Public Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-122. Bass, B.M. and Avolio, B.J. (1994).Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage. Howard, L.W. (1998). Validating the competing values model as a representation of organizational cultures. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 6(3), 231-250 Trice, H.M. and Beyer, J.M. (1992). The cultures of work organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall. Stoner James A. F., Freeman R. Edward, and Gilbert, Jr. Daniel R. (2003) Smith, C. A. (2003). Commitment to organizations and occupations: Extension and test of a three-component conceptualization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(4), 538 – 551 Management (New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India), Sixth Edition. Greenberg J &Baron A.R (2003) â€Å"Behaviour in Organisations†, Prentice Hall, Vol. 8, pp. 188- 215. Dessler, Gary. (2002).Personnel management: Modern concepts and techniques. Reston, VA: Prentice-Hall Company Robbins, S.P (2000) Organization Theory: structure, Design and Application, 3rd ed; London, Prentice Hall International Inc. Dent Edward, (2003) challenging†resistance to change†Journal of Organizational Change Management. Hersey, P.(2006) Management of Organizational Behavior; Leading Human Resources: 8th Ed, New Delhi; Prentice-Hall of India Lax, D.A. and Sebenius, J.K., (2006). The Manager as Negotiator. Free Press, New York, USA. Deutsch, M., (2008). Organizational culture, Journal of Organizational behavior, 2: 265-279. Clifford, James (2000): The Predicament of Culture. London: Harvard University Press. Alvesson, M. (2000): On the Popularity of Organizational Culture. Acta Sociologica 33(1). Pp. 31-49 DiBella, A. J. (2006): Culture and Planned Change in an International Organization: A Multi-Level Predicament. The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 4(4). Pp. 352-372. Dent, J. F. (2001): Accounting and Organizational Cultures: A Field Study of the Emergence of a New Organizational Reality. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(8). Pp. 705-732. Iivari, N. (2002): Analyzing the Role of Organizational Culture in the Implementation of UserCentered Design: Disentangling the Approaches for Cultural Analysis. Judy Hammond, Tom. Gross, Janet Wesson (Eds.): Usability: Gaining a Competitive Edge, 226 Kluwer. Pp. 57-71 Iivari, N. (2002): Analyzing the Role of Organizational Culture in the Implementatio n of UserCentered Design: Disentangling the Approaches for Cultural Analysis. Judy Hammond, Tom Gross, Janet Wesson (Eds.): Usability: Gaining a Competitive Edge, 226 Kluwer. Pp. 57-71 Kappos, A. – Croteau, A. (2002): Organizational Change and Culture: Insights on BPR Projects. Proceedings of the 8th Americas Conference on Information Systems. August, 9-11, Dallas, USA. Pp. 2076-2084.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Decision Making in Romeo and Juliet Essays
Decision Making in Romeo and Juliet Essays Decision Making in Romeo and Juliet Essay Decision Making in Romeo and Juliet Essay As Elizabeth Kubler-Ross once wisely said, â€Å"I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime†. Carefully analyzing the decision one is about to make with incorporating others opinions assists one in reducing the likelihood of consequences. Young adolescents of the present day are making decisions of which they have not thought thoroughly, and its effects are shown well in Gina Higgins poem, Hash for Cash. Similarly as shown in the illustration of the two obese boys, parents often make choices for their children that they think are the best for them but they are entirely the opposite. Decision making from only one point of view is adequately shown in the William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet because in love one should not lose one’s senses of what is logical and what is completely obtuse. It is vital for an individual to cautiously consider one’s options as choices include consequences. All throughout one’s life an individual will make decision that at first seems perfect but in the long run one will abruptly approach the penalties in the future. With colossal amounts of information for young adults regarding issues that these individuals face in their everyday life, it is hard to comprehend why they are still making unwise choices. The poem, â€Å"Hash for Cash†(Gina Higgins) exceptionally portrays a young adult who is â€Å"stoned to the eyebrows†(Hash for Cash) because he or she has chosen to do drugs and irresponsible alcohol usage. These individuals may have heaps of excuses for why these individuals first got involved, but ultimately it was in their hands to refuse the urge of experimenting this new substance. The reason being that they knew about its consequences ? that would later take is in command of the person’s life. Subsequently â€Å"studies seem a waste of time†(Hash for Cash) and alas for most of these individuals, â€Å"reality [becomes] startling†(Hash for Cash) and the age where they were supposed to start living their life ? t abruptly ends due to the impractical mistake these individuals had selected to make earlier in their years. These adolescents’ lives could have taken a different route if they had thought twice about the decision they were embarking to make. If they parents had taken that moment in time to initiate the problem their child was going through these young adults may have had a brighter future. It is evident that a child is who he is from his or her s urroundings; especially his parent(s), and until that child is of ‘age’, decisions are made for him, particularly in the dietary department. The two obese children that are exposed in the illustration impeccably show the consequences that the children have to face, for the reason being that the parent(s) had not decided to consider the healthy alternative. Unfortunately the two boys in the photograph are having their childhood snatched away from them, because the food that they are consuming will cause them to comprise various health problems, such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and many others. Ronald McDonald, the trademark for the company is shown to be sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air while these children are inside consuming an unhealthy diet, and pointing for more. In addition Ronald McDonald is not an obese man, unlike the children; therefore the company McDonalds is sending a hypocritical massage to the public about the affects of consuming Mcdonalds products. Thus, with all the information that is available the parent(s) of these children should have been able to make a logical decision about the food that they are going to be providing for their children. Just because the idea of it appeared appealing and one was in such haste, one should not make such a huge decision about their life without the reconsideration of its alternatives. The notorious Romeo and Juliet had made a decision that; alas lead to their demise. â€Å"A pair of star-cross’d lovers†(Romeo and Juliet) they were madly in love with each other, because they were both in love with the idea of having a companion for life. At the mere age of thirteen Juliet had already had a perspective about marriage and it was that, â€Å"It is an honour that I dream not of. (Romeo and Juliet) Likewise for Romeo for the reason that he had just recently gotten rejected from the women he had ‘loved’ before Juliet. After their first meeting they had already planned to get married, without anyone else’s input and support, clearly showcasing that they had not thought ahead of the consequences they would have to endure. This rushed process lead to several mis communications and hurdles, between Romeo and Juliet’s families and themselves. Romeo’s decision had caused the mortality of this childhood companion, Mercutio in a battle and his mother, Lady Montague because the â€Å"Grief of [her] son’s exile hath stopp’d her breath. †(Romeo and Juliet) These two lovers had helpers, which aided the two of to come together; Juliet’s Nurse and Friar Lawrence. These helpers were both of age and wise but the only incentive they had of helping Romeo and Juliet was because it might â€Å"turn [the] households’ rancour to pure love. †(Romeo and Juliet) If Romeo, Juliet, the Nurse and Friar Lawrence had clearly thought through and looked at the possible consequences, than more than Romeo and Juliet’s lives would have been saved. In love one might make wrong choices but they can be preventable, by just assessing through and ‘reading the fine print’ of the decision one is about to make. Likewise for parents, for the reason being that they should analyze the choices they are making for their children, because in their perspective it might be wiser but in the future it can become a heavy burden. Young adults are only a couple of years away from the world of adulthood, and the choices they make now, will greatly affect them in ever aspect of their life in the future. Thus one should look ahead into the future to the consequences of the decisions they are about to make so they can ask for aid and prevent it. This is very much shown with the community centre project in New York City, which happens to be a couple of blocks away from the site of the horrific events of 9/11. They people who had embarked on creating this centre with a mosque built in had not thought of the response they were going to get and the consequences that are going to be endured by everyone who is either Muslim or someone who is against the construction of the centre. If the people who had thought of this project and had considered of the consequences that they would have to undergo then people in the United States would not have been divided by distinctive religious beliefs. P. S : Dont copy/paste this and hand it in as your assignment at school.. not worth it. just go and learn. and by the way this essay isnt as good as it looks, not going to get you good grade at all.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Make a Fruit Battery
How to Make a Fruit Battery If you have a piece of fruit, a couple of nails, and some wire, then you can generate enough electricity to turn on a light bulb. Making a fruit battery is fun, safe, and easy. What You Need To make the battery you will need: Citrus fruit (e.g., lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit)Copper nail, screw, or wire (about 2 in. or 5 cm long)Zinc nail or screw or galvanized nail (about 2 in. or 5 cm long)Small holiday light with 2 in. or 5 cm leads (enough wire to connect it to the nails) Make a Fruit Battery Heres how to make the battery: Set the fruit on a table and gently roll it around to soften it up. You want the juice to be flowing inside the fruit without breaking its skin. Alternatively, you can squeeze the fruit with your hands.Insert the zinc and copper nails into the fruit so that they are about 2 inches (5 centimeters) apart. Dont let them touch each other. Avoid puncturing through the end of the fruit.Remove enough insulation from the leads of the light (about 1 in. or 2.5 cm) so that you can wrap one lead around the zinc nail and the other lead around the copper nail. You can use electrical tape or alligator clips to keep the wire from falling off the nails.When you connect the second nail, the light will turn on. How a Lemon Battery Works Here are the science and chemical reactions regarding a lemon battery (you can try making batteries from other fruits and from vegetables): The copper and zinc metals act as positive and negative battery terminals (cathodes and anodes).The zinc metal reacts with the acidic lemon juice (mostly from citric acid) to produce zinc ions (Zn2) and electrons (2 e-). The zinc ions go into solution in the lemon juice while the electrons remain on the metal.The wires of the small light bulb are electrical conductors. When they are used to connect the copper and zinc, the electrons that have built upon the zinc flow into the wire. The flow of electrons is current or electricity. Its what powers small electronics or lights a light bulb.Eventually, the electrons make it to the copper. If the electrons didnt go any farther, theyd eventually build up so that there wouldnt be a potential difference between the zinc and the copper. If this happened, the flow of electricity would stop. However, that wont happen because the copper is in contact with the lemon.The electrons accumulating on the copper terminal react with hydrogen ions (H) floating free in the acidic juice to form hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms bond to each other to form hydrogen gas. More Science Here are additional opportunities for research: Citrus fruits are acidic, which helps their juices to conduct electricity. What other fruits and vegetables might you try that would work as batteries?If you have a multimeter, you can measure the current produced by the battery. Compare the effectiveness of different types of fruit. See what happens as you change the distance between the nails.Do acidic fruits always work better? Measure the pH (acidity) of the fruit juice and compare that with the current through the wires or brightness of the light bulb.Compare the electricity generated by fruit with that of juices. Liquids you can test include orange juice, lemonade, and pickle brine.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Oil Business - Advantages and Disadvantages Essay
Oil Business - Advantages and Disadvantages - Essay Example Typically, the entire oil business is divided into three main parts which are the upstream, midstream, and downstream sector. The upstream sector is concerned with the location and extraction of oil from various parts of the world while the midstream is concerned with the processing of extracted oil to marketable products as well as the transportation of such products. Both the upstream and the midstream sectors are concentrated only in certain parts of the world such as Russia or the Middle East while the distribution industry which is part of the downstream sector is spread throughout the world (Gary & Handwerk, 1994). Therefore, any changes in the global market of oil can either favorable or adversely affect the distribution industry significantly. The unpredictability of the global market can also lead to many changes inside of the distribution industry, and the rising cost of fuel has only put a strain on the already straining oil distribution industry.One of the industryâ€℠¢s strengths is that it is among the first in the line of industries affected by oil prices and therefore it can suffer minimally as compared to other industries when it comes to changes in oil prices. Because it is the first hit by the changes, it is also the first that can adapt and the first to be able to quickly overcome the changes to try to lessen losses based on the change in oil prices. Where other industries are affected conversely through the chain of order and sometimes have little room to do anything about the price of oil, the gas distribution is hit first and therefore can adapt most quickly with the other industries adapting around it.When less oil is mined and processed in the international market, independent distributors would have to compete to obtain what is available. This sort of competition can drive smaller distributors out of business. And for those smaller distributors, this can cause problems, and may at first look like an outright negative effect of gas p rices, and a negative effect of the whole of the industry. But this negative opportunity for the smaller firms soon opens up a larger one for the bigger firms, which can then flex their economic muscle a little bit. It is this versatility and adaptability that helps the oil distribution industry to survive at hard times when most other industries would fold upon themselves and crumble.
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